Week 3, Let's Go
Today we had a meeting with the Alberta team, finally meeting them face to face. Virtually, at least. There, people from the city of Alberta gave a slight overview over what they require, giving us the following conception: - A web-based system through which people can contribute with geographical locations they think worth visiting, as well as walks that take them through certain locations. - A mobile client for guiding the user through people-generated walks. - The mobile application should work with and without internet connections. - Users should be able to create an account. - Users can have favorite walks. - There should be a Completed Walks section and a Certified Walks section. Connection and audio issues prevented us from hearing the whole thing in the meeting, but we did get a better idea of the project as a whole. We will be receiving further information about the project through a summary of the meeting provided by the students of Alberta. In the meantime, ...