Blog Week 5

So, you probably came here because you're interested in what it is I did this week regarding this project. Otherwise, you really must've not payed attention to the title. I mean, it's pretty self-explanatory.

Hoping you're not here by accident, let me explain what this week was all about then: partials. Mostly projects, actually. And I'm expecting this coming week to be very similar. Yay.

I think we were all pretty busy, but still found some time to advance on what needed to be done here. For one, in the Software Quality and Testing class now there's no final project... so, the part of this project that was dedicated for that now is going to be much more flexible and for the most part, easier on us. We can direct our efforts on the other areas.

On Friday we had a meeting with the Alberta team, where a few things were clarified. Among them, that we should focus for now on having the platform where data is going to be added and modified up and running. We'll need to integrate this functionality with Steps and ARCGIS, both which Eleni is going to provide us more info for their usage.

I also successfully transformed the data we collected from Datos Abiertos for places in Guadalajara into the structure we need for our particular needs. This now makes it easier to read and manage it all.

That's it for this week. I could go on and talk about the things that were accomplished for my other courses, but that's none of this blog's business.

Resultado de imagen para storm boat
image obtained from


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